Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Neural Networks

For this activity, we did another image classification based on neural networks. A neural network consists of 3 parts, an input layer, where in our case contains the features of an object class, a hidden layer, where the features are compared, and an output layer, which gives what class the object belongs. The output of the neural network I made is either 0(class 1) or 1(class 2) depending on what class the object belongs.
For comparison with other techniques, I used the same data as the previous activities(probabilistic classification and pattern recognition).
For this method, I also obtained a 100% correct classification.

Program Output:
0.0000048 0.0000250 0.0002727 0.0351369
0.9999835 0.999997 0.9999921 0.9684366
Rounding this numbers off gives 0 for the first 4 test and 1 for the next 4 which is correct since the first 4 images were taken from class 1 and the others from class 2.
//Scilab code
//4 neurons in the input layer, 32 in the hidden layer and 1 in the ouput layer
N = [4,32,1];

// Training Set
x = [3730,0.526882,0.475084,0.394192;
normalizer = max(x(1,:)); //to reduce the magnitude of the area
x(1, :) = x(1, :)./normalizer;
t = [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1];
lp = [2.5,0];
W = ann_FF_init(N);
//Training cyles
T = 1000;
W = ann_FF_Std_online(x,t,N,W,lp,T);
//x is the training t is the output W is the initialized weights,
//N is the NN architecture, lp is the learning rate and T is the number of iterations

test = [3730,0.526882,0.475084,0.394192;
test(1, :) = test(1, :)./normalizer;
//Code end

I give myself a grade of 10 since I was able to correctly use and modify the given program.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Probabilistic Classification

In this activity, we did another method in image classification, Linear Discrimination Analysis. (In-depth tutorial can be found at http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/LDA/LDA.html) The main idea of this point is to find an axis rotation where the features of a class can be grouped together while making it far away as possible from the features of the other classes,very much similar to what is done in principal component analysis(PCA). The inputs are object samples(rows in variable x), object features(columns in x) and object class(variable y). I used 2 classes from the pattern recognition activity, squidballs and piatos (since the misclassification in that activity happened between these classes). The features are area, height/width, average red (NCC) and average green (NCC). The training set is as follows:
Area height/width Red Green Class
3730 0.526882 0.475084 0.394192 1
4277 0.630000 0.455594 0.388616 1
4181 0.656250 0.462898 0.386272 1
4262 0.744186 0.479152 0.397529 1
3876 0.868421 0.564352 0.331341 2
3576 0.888889 0.522656 0.339387 2
3754 0.893333 0.525226 0.349733 2
4161 0.802469 0.503910 0.352362 2
Class 1 is piatos and class 2 is squidball. After some calculations, I obtained the covariance matrix which is equal to:
66054.609375 -11.454640 -5.145901 3.528965
-11.454640 0.016200 0.003636 -0.002744
-5.145901 0.003636 0.001212 -0.000800
3.528965 -0.002744 -0.000800 0.000632
The discriminant can be computed using
where fi is the linear discriminant, (mu) is the mean feature of class i, C is the covariance matrix, xk is the object feature set to be classified, and p is the probability of class i occuring, which is just the # of objects in class i divided by the total # of objects.
I used the same test images from the activity pattern recognition (first 4 objects were piatos, class 1, and the next 4 are squidballs, class 2). The feature set of the test images is shown below.
Area height/width Red Green Class
4717 0.888889 0.472711 0.398525 1
4870 0.663265 0.470151 0.375207 1
5709 0.647619 0.462389 0.382276 1
5554 0.666667 0.474319 0.375255 1
4144 0.960526 0.519057 0.361193 2
3503 0.912500 0.461393 0.370681 2
3985 1.000000 0.499096 0.365295 2
4592 1.11111111 0.473050 0.352714 2
Using these test image features, I obtained the following discriminant values:
f1f2f1 - f2
A positive (f1 - f2) means that an object is classified as class 1 while a negative (f1 - f2) is an object classified as class 2. From the table above the first 4 objects were classified as belonging to class 1 and the next 4 objects were class 2. The results were 100% correct. ^_^ I also tried shuffling the positions of the test objects, because the result might just have copied the arrangement of classes in variable y, and I still get a 100% correct classification.

//Scilab code
x = [3730 0.526882 0.475084 0.394192;
4277 0.630000 0.455594 0.388616;
4181 0.656250 0.462898 0.386272;
4262 0.744186 0.479152 0.397529;
3876 0.868421 0.564352 0.331341;
3576 0.888889 0.522656 0.339387;
3754 0.893333 0.525226 0.349733;
4161 0.802469 0.503910 0.352362];
xt = [4717 0.888889 0.472711 0.398525;
4870 0.663265 0.470151 0.375207;
5709 0.647619 0.462389 0.382276;
5554 0.666667 0.474319 0.375255;
4144 0.960526 0.519057 0.361193;
3503 0.912500 0.461393 0.370681;
3985 1.000000 0.499096 0.365295;
4592 1.111111 0.473050 0.352714];//classes to test, 1-4 class 1, 5-8 class 2
y = [1;
x1 = [3730 0.526882 0.475084 0.394192;
4277 0.630000 0.455594 0.388616;
4181 0.656250 0.462898 0.386272;
4262 0.744186 0.479152 0.397529];
x2 = [3876 0.868421 0.564352 0.331341;
3576 0.888889 0.522656 0.339387;
3754 0.893333 0.525226 0.349733;
4161 0.802469 0.503910 0.352362];
n1 = size(x1, 1);
n2 = size(x2, 1);
m1 = mean(x1, 'r');
m2 = mean(x2, 'r');
m = mean(x, 'r');
x1o = x1 - mtlb_repmat(m, [n1, 1]);
x2o = x2 - mtlb_repmat(m, [n2, 1]);
c1 = (x1o'*x1o)/n1;
c2 = (x2o'*x2o)/n2;
C = (n1/(n1+n2))*c1 + (n2/(n1+n2))*c2;
p = [n1/(n1+n2); n2/(n1+n2)];
CI = inv(C);
for i = 1:size(xt, 1)
xk = xt(i, :);
f1(i) = m1*CI*xk' - 0.5*m1*CI*m1' + log(p(1));
f2(i) = m2*CI*xk' - 0.5*m2*CI*m2' + log(p(2));
class = f1 - f2;
class(class >= 0) = 1;
class(class < 0) = 2;
//code end

I give myself a grade of 10 since I was able to do the activity properly.
Collaborators: None

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pattern Recognition

In this activity, we need to make a program which can classify images of objects based on the training images used. Here I used pictures of kwek-kwek, squid balls, piatos and pillows. For the training set I used 4 images each and the remaining 4 as test images. (original, scaled images shown below)
For the feature set, I chose something that can be extracted from all of the available images. These are pixel area, ratio of heigth and width, average red component (NCC), and average green component (NCC).
As can be seen in the pictures, the tissue does not have the same color for all the images. To correct this, I used the reference white algorithm to have a uniform tissue color in all the images. This can reduce the possible effect of lighting in both the training and test sets. After white balancing, the images are converted into grayscale and then binarized. To reduce the effect of poor thresholding, I used a closing operator with a 5x15 structuring element.

Feature Set
To calculate the pixel area, I just summed the binarized image. Also, to reduce the effect large variations in area, since pixel area is of magnitude 10^3 and the other features are only 10^0, I divided all area by the maximum area I obtained in the training set.
The ratio of height and width is computed as the maximum filled pixel coordinate vertically minus the minimum filled pixel coordinate vertically divided by its horizontal counterpart.
Since the cropped images I used don't have the same dimensions, I cannot just get the average red/green over the whole image. Instead, I considered only the average red/green of the ROI obtained from thresholding the binarized image.

The calculation of the feature vector is done similarly for the test images.

The feature vector of a class is represented by the mean of feature vector of all training images used.
The method used to classify the test images is just the Euclidean distance. The training feature set which have the shortest distance over the test features is the class of that test image.

For the feature set and the image processing method I used, I obtained 15 correct classifications out of 16 test images (a squidball was misclassified as piatos). Since I used a mean feature vector, large deviations from this mean can cause the program to classify an image to other classes.

For this activity, I give myself a grade of 10 since I was able to do it properly.

//Scilab code
parameters = []; //1 = area, 2 = h/w, 3 = r, 4 = g
for n = 1:4
for i = 1:4
I = imread("Images/" + names(n) + "/" + names(n) + string(i) + ".JPG");
I = ref_white(I); //white balancing
I2 = I(:, :, 1) + I(:, :, 2) + I(:, :, 3);
I2 = I2/3;
I2(I2 > 0.75) = 2;
I2(I2 <= 0.75) = 1;
I2(I2 == 2) = 0;
//Closing operation
I2 = erode(dilate(I2, se), se);
area = sum(I2);
parameters(n, i, 1) = area;
[v, h] = find(I2 == 1);
parameters(n, i, 2) = (max(v) - min(v))/(max(h) - min(h));
//average red and green (NCC)
ave = I(:, :, 1) + I(:, :, 2) + I(:, :, 3);
r = I(:, :, 1)./ave;
g = I(:, :, 2)./ave;
r = r.*I2;
g = g.*I2;
parameters(n, i, 3) = sum(r)/area;
parameters(n, i, 4) = sum(g)/area;

//just repeat everything for the test images

//use the following writes for the training set
fprintfMat("param1.txt", parameters(:, :, 1));
fprintfMat("param2.txt", parameters(:, :, 2));
fprintfMat("param3.txt", parameters(:, :, 3));
fprintfMat("param4.txt", parameters(:, :, 4));

//and the following for the test set
fprintfMat("param1-2.txt", parameters(:, :, 1));
fprintfMat("param2-2.txt", parameters(:, :, 2));
fprintfMat("param3-2.txt", parameters(:, :, 3));
fprintfMat("param4-2.txt", parameters(:, :, 4));

//The resutlts obtained above were saved in file param1.txt, ...
//Classifying the test images
parameters_train(:, :, 1) = fscanfMat("param1.txt");//area
parameters_train(:, :, 2) = fscanfMat("param2.txt");//h/w
parameters_train(:, :, 3) = fscanfMat("param3.txt");//mean(r)
parameters_train(:, :, 4) = fscanfMat("param4.txt");//mean(g)
for i = 1:4
for j = 1:4
m(i, j) = mean(parameters_train(i, :, j));
clear parameters_train;
normfactor = max(m(:, 1));
m(:, 1) = m(:, 1)/normfactor;

test(:, :, 1) = fscanfMat("param1-2.txt");
test(:, :, 2) = fscanfMat("param2-2.txt");
test(:, :, 3) = fscanfMat("param3-2.txt");
test(:, :, 4) = fscanfMat("param4-2.txt");
test(:, :, 1) = test(:, :, 1)/normfactor;

for i = 1:4
for j = 1:4
for k = 1:4
t(k) = test(i, j, k);
for l = 1:4
d = t' - m(l, :);
dist(i, j, l) = sqrt(d*d');//distance of image(i, j) on class l

correct = 0;
for i = 1:4
for j = 1:4
shortest = find(dist(:,j,i) == min(dist(:,j,i)));
if shortest == i
correct = correct + 1;
//code end

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Basic Video Processing

For this activity, we need to capture on video some kinematic experiments which are easy to compute analytically and at the same time easy to image process. I used a video of an hollow cylinder rolling down an inclined plane.

The video is then cropped and then saved as jpg images using avidemux (freeware, http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/) (gif version shown above) Each image would then be processed in Scilab using one or more of the techniques in image processing learned from previous activities.
First I tried color segmentation but then the resulting binary image is not good to be processed. The color of the cylinder has almost the same color as the light reflection in the wood. (e.g. see the lower right portion of the image)
Next I tried grayscale thresholding. This one produced a more segmented ROI than the color segmentation so I used this method for the preliminary processing. After thresholding I applied an opening operator using a 5x15 structuring element. The resulting images are shown below.
From the morphed images, I then calculated the center of the ROI and noted its pixel position. The horizontal-pixel location of the center of the ROI represents the displacement or distance traveled of the object. Each frame or image can be translated into time using the fps of the video camera.
The inclined plane has a length of about 480mm which is 240 pixels long in the image. So the distance to pixel conversion is 1px = 2mm. The camera has an fps of 24.5 so 1 frame (or 1 image) is equal to 1/24.5 sec.
I computed the acceleration of the object using the series of processed images using the formula change in velocity per change in time (dv/dt) where velocity is change in distance per change in time(dx/dt). The computed value of acceleration, using the pixel to mm and frame to sec conversion above, is 0.520m/sec. From physics books, we can see that the acceleration of a hollow cylinder rolling in an inclined plane is simple given by a = 0.5*g*sin(theta) where theta is the angle of inclination. In our setup, the angle is approximately 6 degrees so the acceleration is 0.512m/sec. The result from video processing gives an error of 1.6%.

For this activity, I give myself a grade of 10 since I was able to do it properly.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Color Image Segmentation

For this activity, we would do image segmentation using colors. To properly segment images by color, we need to transform the RGB colorspace into the normalized chromaticity space or NCC. Transformation is done by dividing each pixel channel with the sum of RGB (I) for that pixel(RGB -> rgb, where R/I = r and so on). The chromaticity can then be represented by only r and g as shown below.
Two methods for image segmentation would be used, probability function estimation and histogram backprojection.
The image that would be segmented (test image):
and the sample patch used, taken from the red diskette (region of interest, ROI) above:

A. Probability Function Estimation

In this method, we assumed a gaussian distribution for the r and g of the sample patch. Therefore, the probability that a pixel with chromaticity r belongs to the region of interest is:
In the equation, the mean and standard deviation are computed from the sample patch and r is the r values of the test image. The equation above is also computed for the g channel. The probablity then that the pixel is in the region of interest is p(r)*p(g).
Using this equation and the test and sample image, I obtained the following image:
The portion from which the sample patch was obtained (red diskette) becomes white and the other color becomes black. Using this method worked very well for segmenting the region of interest from the image.

B. Histogram Backprojection
For this method, we first calculated the 2D histogram of the sample patch. For each pixel in the test image, we substitute the frequency value of the r and g from the 2D histogram of the patch.
The figure below shows the histogram of the sample patch superimposed on the NCC.
After backprojection:
The resulting image is not as accurate as the one obtained in probability function estimation but still it was able to separate the red diskette from the image.

//Scilab code
im = imread("sample--.jpg");
im2 = imread("image.jpg");
ave = im(:, :, 1) + im(:, :, 2) + im(:, :, 3);
r = im(:, :, 1)./ave;
g = im(:, :, 2)./ave;
b = im(:, :, 3)./ave;
ave = im2(:, :, 1) + im2(:, :, 2) + im2(:, :, 3);
ri = im2(:, :, 1)./ave;
gi = im2(:, :, 2)./ave;
bi = im2(:, :, 3)./ave;

mr = mean(r);
mg = mean(g);
stdr = stdev(r);
stdg = stdev(g);

pr = (1/(stdr*sqrt(2*%pi)))*exp(-((ri - mr).^2)./(2*stdr));
pg = (1/(stdg*sqrt(2*%pi)))*exp(-((gi - mg).^2)./(2*stdg));
prpg = pr.*pg;
imshow(prpg, []);

//Histogram Backprojection
//2D Histogram
r = r*255;
g = g*255;
imsize = size(r);
recurrence = zeros(256,256);
for i = 1:imsize(1)
for j = 1:imsize(2)
//x and y were re-oriented so that index (1, 1) would be at the origin of the
//normalize chromaticity plot
x = abs(255 - round(g(i, j)) + 1);
y = round(r(i, j)) + 1;
recurrence(x, y) = recurrence(x, y) + 1;
imshow(log(recurrence + 0.0000001), []);
//Histogram end

ri = ri*255;
gi = gi*255;
im3 = zeros(size(prpg));
imsize2 = size(ri);
for i = 1:imsize2(1)
for j = 1:imsize2(2)
x = abs(255 - round(gi(i, j)) + 1);
y = round(ri(i, j)) + 1;
im3(i, j) = recurrence(x, y);
//code end

I give myself a grade of 10 since I was able to do it properly ^_^
Collaborators: Raf Jaculbia